
Teen Violence

In 2000, nine percent of the murders in the United States were committed by people under the age of 18. One in ten teens are arrested for engaging in violent activities. Each year it seems to get worse. Every kid tries to grow up faster than should. As a result most don't make the best decisions.

In other words...drinking and/or drug usage. A lot of young teens get mixed into the wrong crowds. For example gangs, where kids do harmful things to themselves and others. They see it as the tougher you are the better. "What doesn't kill ya, makes ya stronger, right?" Wrong. As a result growing up you lose friends. You see some get locked up, you see your girls being pregnant at a young age, you see the drugs take a toll on the pretty faces you once knew. You see the drugs themselves. Also you see the fights the men get into.

As a generation we should be stronger than that. Know better, and care about knowing better. Why not set an example of what to do, not what you shouldn't.

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