
Switch Phones?

If you and your boyfriend/girlfriend switched phones for a day would you still be together? Seriously would you? Think about how many texts you send out a day. Ladies you know your always checking you phone to hear the latest stories from your girl. How many text do you think your man would not like, or worse not like who you're texting?

Now Ladies, what about your man's phone? You know the first female to text you're ready for 20 questions. But who knows? Maybe switching phones would be a good thing. Possibly getting closer to his Boys while he gets a little insight from the Girls.

Sharing a phone isn't so bad, however. Having common friends helps a lot. It's a great option for those jealous men and women. If you're in a serious relationship then its showing you can share your social life. Which isn't all that bad. It's always good to know who your with, and where you are just in case something happens. Just as long as we know your safe and with your friends, enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. My boyfriend and I use each other's phone's all the time and neither of us has ever had a problem with what we see. Maybe we're just weird though.
