
Health Insurance

Alright, let me start off with first telling you that anyone who said the system is screwed up is right. I am not one to be jerked around by the system, I hardly ever have a complaint, actually I usually am happy with it all. But recently I am beyond my limits to say "oh yes the system always treated me right."

I have gone to my local pharmacy 7 times in the past two days just to find out I STILL cannot get my script that I need daily. Because some how I was signed up with Blue Cross Blue Shield. Funny, I NEVER signed myself up for it, and I don't know anyone who has it. So question, how did my information get to a COMPLETELY different insurance company? Next question, why is it when I called my normal insurance they gave me Blue Cross Blue Shield's Number and the guy added "Press 5 as soon as you hear the main menu and tell them you want them to take you off as a disclaimer." REALLY? F***ing Really?!?!

So truly glad that I'm not the first one this has happened to! So now I get to pay thirty bucks because I CANNOT go another day. I had such a great day up until just now. Spent the day with my two beautiful nieces and they were both so very good. They made this Aunty proud. Then I was just going to relax until my sweetheart comes home from work, but nope. I get to get pissed off! Lovely! Ugh here's a big SCREW YOU To The Corporate Offices Of My Insurance Company. Have a lovely day everyone!

Much Love! <3



Alright, it's been a while since I've posted actually over a year. Well I'm back and this topic got me inspired. Well today's society is slowly throwing away the healthy active lifestyles that we all grew up knowing. Slowly the Gaming systems are taking over. Come on people! Get outside and have a social life. Go play basket ball, shoot a paint ball gun, got for a run or even a nice walk.

Games now-a-days are so much fun. Very addictive. Some companies actually try to make it a goal to keep kids hooked. As a result millions of dollars are pulled in by the big corporations that produce these top sellers. Which as a result has us gamers spending hours upon hours playing these games. Which in all honesty isn't always a bad thing. Keeps us happy and home safe and sound, instead of out on the streets.

Now before I get into this of part topic don't think I'm against video games, I'm a Sony chick myself, I've had all three generations of the Play Station. But if you think about it, everything has to do with technology. Within the next 20 years, will we even be talking face to face? We have all these programs, social networks, texting and instant messaging appications. What's the point of daily conversation at the kitchen table right? Wrong, as a result your losing your health. You gain weigh, strain your eyes, throw off your entire sleeping cycle and so on. So put the games down now and then and get outside.